Chapters: 17 (90 mb x chapter)
Format: Avi (Xvid compressed)
Host: http://www.rapidshare.com/
English Subtitles: English (attached)
Synopsis: Leonard and Sheldon are two theoretical physicists who share work and apartment. A couple of characters who have a small obsession with geek culture, so that their behaviors are far to far from normal humans. Surrounded by a group of friends (just freaks them) share and live your life enjoying the best way, but everything changes with the arrival of a new neighbor to the building. Taking a turn round the lives of four geniuses who know how to function outside their universe.
(First Season) (100 mb)
- "Pilot"
- "The Big Bran Hypothesis"
- "The Fuzzy Boots Corollary"
- "The Luminous Fish Effect"
- "The Hamburger Postulate"
- "The Middle-Earth Paradigm"
- "The Dumpling Paradox"
- "The Grasshopper Experiment"
- "The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization"
- "The Loobenfeld Decay"
- "The Pancake Batter Anomaly"
- "The Jerusalem Duality"
- "The Bat Jar Conjecture"
- "The Nerdvana Annihilation"
- "The Pork Chop Indeterminacy"
- "The Peanut Reaction"
- "The Tangerine Factor"
Tags: The Big Bang Theory, Zone Downloads,
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