guess muxos of you will know the Great Game World of Warcraft (who does not know is proximamnete Open an analysis on the game). Well this game has tried to hack muxas times (most times to no avail ¬ ¬) and I here bring the game up and running.
Let's start to install this great game you ought to download the following file called InstallWow.exe
when downloaded, you execute it and You select World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Quickly run a downloader when you finish the installer screen will do this:
2.Select 1.Dadle to Install OK
3.Aceptamos The terms and conditions of use 4.Tap
Jump when we ask if we 5.Select
upgrade account where you want to install the game. 6.YA
NOTICE: if you want to shut down your computer after you close the installer and apagais the PC, when you want it back on again abris installer, you doing the steps above and the download will continue where you left from. Already
Now I must leave this screen game update to version, if not so descargaos this patch.
When finished downloading the patch will go to the next, the next ... the latest patch that you must install it and

here you have all the patches ready all patches. Mu bn
the program is prepared but not to play. Let's play a free server called Fumet WoW. To do this you ought to enter this site and register on (this name and password will use it in WoW) Fumet.
When you are you enter the site and are looking to the left "Create my account" you turn to register (this if you will wear in the game). Well when ye have found
enabled mail account and descargais cojeis this
Fumetas Patch 2.2. You ought
install the game folder. Already
archibo This abris the "loader.exe" q simbolito has an "F" and will Playing
dais I am human and call Miroky Guerrero.
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