Buesa Centennial Classic stealth
alliances with power, arguing that There are causes that his redemption. Find the right terms to achieve the insight does not imply agreement with the tutelary forces, or political belief in the magma that sustain them. Here is a mirage based on weakness: the granting interim, if you think of the works due to a promise to pay off the debt as apparent splendor, or "art of compromise." Because no provision is soothing in its brevity, or transitory. Poetry, for risk, make allies. The bad example
remained Virgilio, who was not redeemed versions of a suspicious death, forged by his own deity, object of flattery, nor eclogues prophetic tell you how enlightened, free of physical restraints to Gaius Maecenas, or some other shade favorable. The stigma remained, visible between the hexameters of his greatest poem, as the only reproach to wield: the adulation of Caesar. Then came, after the long silence of the epic, the Poets Laureate to give his version of the homage, writing lengthy panegyrics of the court, describing in detail and pride of power heraldry.
Who remembers Robert Southey, but as an object of derision in Byron? Who but a curious reader, I could lecture on the work of Hanns Johst, whose significance is reduced to one sentence is usually attributed to Goebbels: Wenn ich Kultur hore ... entsichere ich meinen Browning!
missing not long before the minstrels would feel beholden to governments and phalanges, and encourage the premises occupied by the new magistrates, versed hard, shamelessly. Would claim to be victims and who expected relief, spokesmen for a mass e unredeemed wilderness. And they were men of letters who founded guilds and floral games, those who composed hymns and elegies, and did not hide his enthusiasm for the magnetization of force and their representatives, who could be recognized by the jargon rather than by the uniform. Because the design of the uniforms was being unaware of one work humorist, who was on legionnaire cross musketeer, Hussar, Bolshevik and tupamaro. To sing his mending and glory were the National Poet, Emeritus Artists, cultural aggregates ...
Who does not dream of a country where all the printers belonging to the military, called to subsidize publishing plans, the classics in large numbers, the look heroic rhetoric from the time offset by the ambiguity that gives it timeless? And why not leverage the power of a lyric-proof temples and closures, the essence awakens an emotion that transcends the circumstances? Classic off an era, unavoidable classic half-dead to quote, classic prologue by editors conveniently adjust the lens and perspective. That would alleviate the basic curiosity of libraries and bookstores, always willing to change depth and profusion. Everything that serves to dilute, between the apparent diversity and excess, to another type of classics: the poachers, those who doubt the power and faced him, classics that are based on the discourse of otherness, the story of a selfish minority seditious literature does at the expense of social optimism.
now, knowing heir of all suspicion reserved for Caesars and Kings, the Leader is waiting until the classic stealth exhaust their life cycle, for editing and proclaim their worth, like stubborn children who return wrapped in the flag which protects all alike, under any sky. The posthumous condition is the best password to linotype of satraps. But long before, when disobedient fascinated readers, his works remained relegated to the shelf of special consultations. His literary effectiveness could not be questioned, because its possible aesthetic significance was less important than the arguments in reverse. Poetry of cynicism, more dangerous and memorized stories glorifying the past, where the star is so contagious yielded to concepts like the night, the party, efínero pleasure ... The luxury verbal virtuosity of prose, the sublimation of the individual, does not contradict the modern prescriptive, based on cleanliness, civility and the common good? However, an editorial policy known risk turning the apparent generosity, as part of mimicry diplomat negotiating the survival and mask. Live and unedited, dead and translated into local languages, will the reader willing to sacrifice their integrity, and gain the council's library purge, to silence?
As the time comes to choose, without hindrance, while the flow of literature matches the letter that guides the helm, and natural reader still claiming original versions, no other provision that will resist the lifetime award that implies power. By minstrel its uncertainty, the poet his obsessions, which another gift would not work better. And to admire the classic, visible or stealth, a mirror.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Jeep Liberty Fan Control Relay Fuse
By Felix Pestana (1947-2010)

always knew: among all possible doors, was that of Felix Pestana. When few were opened, his gravitated around the possibility and openness. In an area of \u200b\u200briddles and double meanings, that openness served as sustenance to whom we were asking questions, seeking symbols and to face our own vanity. More than the rigor of a discipline and learning, Pestana taught us the difficult art of clear and easy ways to take seriously. Yet, when we refuse artificial tone of certain commitments, we do with your voice. How could keep that sharpness and simplicity without being crushed by the conventions, without the dynamics of fervor we hurt and we discard? We did not have to go far, because there was that door. The man has within himself all the verdicts, and sometimes requires a handle to catch his breath and reconsider the questions asked. No virtuoso performance supplements, if they lack self-knowledge and the key is needed to magnify. Felix Pestana had many keys to enlightenment, and he had only hinted at in a picture, in a capricious decision of twilight, in a conversation. Maybe even a sudden departure, when we said goodbye at the curb and thought it was the last time. I do not have to ask, but I know that at this time walking with their hands smeared, reviewing those walls that knows his own, blinded by the light, checking the veracity of a landscape that will no longer go out anymore.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Program Thank You Destination Wording
JITB - Jack In The Box - VAMPS
This will be more than fast and simple: JACK IN THE BOX SUMMER 2010
Presentation: VAMPS with five great songs in video ... another time I chronicled it, now I get to help @ belehcastro thousand who are risking to upload to Youtube ... are going to delete you! >. \u0026lt;But avoid losing and that he did not see them, stay well, here are the download links!
(for now only I could upload the last three, but I'm uploading the first two n_nU)
3 .-
PLEASE PLEASE, Onegai! Any problems with the download links, just notify the hashtag or in a comment:)
This will be more than fast and simple: JACK IN THE BOX SUMMER 2010
Presentation: VAMPS with five great songs in video ... another time I chronicled it, now I get to help @ belehcastro thousand who are risking to upload to Youtube ... are going to delete you! >. \u0026lt;But avoid losing and that he did not see them, stay well, here are the download links!
PASSWORD: lapasionignorada
(for now only I could upload the last three, but I'm uploading the first two n_nU)
3 .-
PLEASE PLEASE, Onegai! Any problems with the download links, just notify the hashtag or in a comment:)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Build And Paint A Bike Online
Lost in Translation, translations
introductory note to a failed edition of "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by William Blake, with fragments
The naive professed admiration for William Blake by Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish engineer turned visionary, is summed up in one of the comments made marginal reading Wisdom of Angels Concerning Divine love , published in 1789. That comment was: "Heaven and Hell are born together." It is strange that this idea was born under a sign naïve, was the germ of the blast more sarcastic and shocking of Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1791), not only against Swedenborg, but against religious orthodoxy, political , social and literary of his time, and also a determined and exuberant announce its own principles. It argued
Swedish creeds, who attracted many in his crusade visionary: his enthusiasm was infectious. He believed in the "Divine Humanity" in the Bible as God's dictation to inspired men, in fine and total correspondence between the natural and spiritual world and the possibility that the common man reached the revelation. Swedenborg at once exalted sexuality, and made the image of the "great man" whose body shape was an image of Heaven. Blake embraced sympathy these statements, but not for long. Closer reading convinced him that the theology and morality of Swedenborg were conventional in their marrow, and limited imagination. Thus, we have reacted bitterly to write on them with a cut lapidary: "Execrable folly!" and going so far as to ridicule. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell goes against the traditional dichotomy of the Church, accepted by the visionary Blake attacked as bloated and pompous, his "Memorable Fancies" parody "relations memorable" Swedenborg on spiritual experiences.
Blake put his ideas fully in this, his main work in prose, which proclaims its belief in the primacy immutable moral imagination. Other works, Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience , all in verse, books "enlightened" with his own prints, classic poetry are universal. He combined his vocation as a poet and graphic artist to produce books that are visually shocking. (MS)
All Bibles or sacred codes have been responsible for the following errors: 1.The
Man has two real existing principles: a Body and Soul. 2.The
Energy, called Evil, is isolated from the body, and that Reason, called Good, what is the Soul. 3.What
God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies.
But contrary to those following are true:
1. Man has no body distinct from his soul, because that called Body is a portion of Soul discerned by the five Senses, the main conduits of Soul at this time.
2. Energy is the only life, and comes of the Body and Reason is the bound or outer circumference of Energy.
3. Energy is Eternal Bliss.
The ancient Poets animated all sensible things to the Gods or Geniuses, calling them by their names and adorned with the properties of forests, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, and whatever else magnified and numerous senses could perceive.
and case studies the genius of each city and country, ranking under its mental deity. Until
devised a system which took advantage of some, and vulgar subyugóse trying to understand or abstract the mental deities from their objects. Thus began Priesthood. Choosing
forms of worship of poetic fictions.
And in the long proclaimed that the Gods had ordered such things.
Thus men forgot that All deities reside in his own breast.
(Translation 1996: Manuel Sosa)
introductory note to a failed edition of "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by William Blake, with fragments
The naive professed admiration for William Blake by Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish engineer turned visionary, is summed up in one of the comments made marginal reading Wisdom of Angels Concerning Divine love , published in 1789. That comment was: "Heaven and Hell are born together." It is strange that this idea was born under a sign naïve, was the germ of the blast more sarcastic and shocking of Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1791), not only against Swedenborg, but against religious orthodoxy, political , social and literary of his time, and also a determined and exuberant announce its own principles. It argued
Swedish creeds, who attracted many in his crusade visionary: his enthusiasm was infectious. He believed in the "Divine Humanity" in the Bible as God's dictation to inspired men, in fine and total correspondence between the natural and spiritual world and the possibility that the common man reached the revelation. Swedenborg at once exalted sexuality, and made the image of the "great man" whose body shape was an image of Heaven. Blake embraced sympathy these statements, but not for long. Closer reading convinced him that the theology and morality of Swedenborg were conventional in their marrow, and limited imagination. Thus, we have reacted bitterly to write on them with a cut lapidary: "Execrable folly!" and going so far as to ridicule. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell goes against the traditional dichotomy of the Church, accepted by the visionary Blake attacked as bloated and pompous, his "Memorable Fancies" parody "relations memorable" Swedenborg on spiritual experiences.
Blake put his ideas fully in this, his main work in prose, which proclaims its belief in the primacy immutable moral imagination. Other works, Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience , all in verse, books "enlightened" with his own prints, classic poetry are universal. He combined his vocation as a poet and graphic artist to produce books that are visually shocking. (MS)
All Bibles or sacred codes have been responsible for the following errors: 1.The
Man has two real existing principles: a Body and Soul. 2.The
Energy, called Evil, is isolated from the body, and that Reason, called Good, what is the Soul. 3.What
God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies.
But contrary to those following are true:
1. Man has no body distinct from his soul, because that called Body is a portion of Soul discerned by the five Senses, the main conduits of Soul at this time.
2. Energy is the only life, and comes of the Body and Reason is the bound or outer circumference of Energy.
3. Energy is Eternal Bliss.
The ancient Poets animated all sensible things to the Gods or Geniuses, calling them by their names and adorned with the properties of forests, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, and whatever else magnified and numerous senses could perceive.
and case studies the genius of each city and country, ranking under its mental deity. Until
devised a system which took advantage of some, and vulgar subyugóse trying to understand or abstract the mental deities from their objects. Thus began Priesthood. Choosing
forms of worship of poetic fictions.
And in the long proclaimed that the Gods had ordered such things.
Thus men forgot that All deities reside in his own breast.
(Translation 1996: Manuel Sosa)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Unlock Reguest Gta Iv
found Safe from the Political Economy? Travel to the dunghill
This poem what I have written between 1987-1988, because I found the end of a book Political Economy, a subject that we taught in the third year of the BA in English Language. Without doubt, I would have preferred the economic writings of John Ruskin, possibly more related to our career. And it might have been paying attention, not pecking the body of the Bard of Avon. ATLAS
(Manuel Sosa)
What Is It That You replace
and tendon and nurture and please
But still gets lost in the whirls of advocacy? What
stage, Period What WAS To Be Dissolved
with the twilight and the impetuous race of the stallions
that drowned in the lake?
Which passage, which recipe was omitted
when you finally walked past the halls
and found that the scepter and mantle
were mere symbols of panic?
A slumber, a shiny flask:
all vigil is a mirage.
Rancid bones, shy sedition:
a trench that the jester fills
with his dark spade.
Something that failed and deserves an inquiry.
Is it another prerogative that we usurp?
A chord, an arrow?
Where the scythes and veiled harps?
An empty ark in an empty palace.
Our mutiny. The abandoned torch.
Was it horror before being an illusion?
What is it that you crave
and align and attest in the adequacy
of retributions? Is it enough
or Should we wait some more? Something That
flared and rose:
Our Persuaded Instincts.
A shiny flask, a dark shovel. The gloomy
Armors of winter.
An empty throne.
This poem what I have written between 1987-1988, because I found the end of a book Political Economy, a subject that we taught in the third year of the BA in English Language. Without doubt, I would have preferred the economic writings of John Ruskin, possibly more related to our career. And it might have been paying attention, not pecking the body of the Bard of Avon. ATLAS
(Manuel Sosa)
What Is It That You replace
and tendon and nurture and please
But still gets lost in the whirls of advocacy? What
stage, Period What WAS To Be Dissolved
with the twilight and the impetuous race of the stallions
that drowned in the lake?
Which passage, which recipe was omitted
when you finally walked past the halls
and found that the scepter and mantle
were mere symbols of panic?
A slumber, a shiny flask:
all vigil is a mirage.
Rancid bones, shy sedition:
a trench that the jester fills
with his dark spade.
Something that failed and deserves an inquiry.
Is it another prerogative that we usurp?
A chord, an arrow?
Where the scythes and veiled harps?
An empty ark in an empty palace.
Our mutiny. The abandoned torch.
Was it horror before being an illusion?
What is it that you crave
and align and attest in the adequacy
of retributions? Is it enough
or Should we wait some more? Something That
flared and rose:
Our Persuaded Instincts.
A shiny flask, a dark shovel. The gloomy
Armors of winter.
An empty throne.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Where Can I Buy Hip Scarf In Los Angeles
If you ask me I'm because Americans can travel freely to Cuba. This new ingredient to temporarily dilute the insipid and Eurotrash Canadian presence on the island, also the subject of the embargo and restrictions would go into the background, and gradually other issues emerge: the militarization of the economy, inefficiency, cuisine ( gastric "?), the feudal prices, lack of gastric culture (gastronomy "?) ... That, to say nothing of basic needs. The basic freedoms. I would not want to undermine the American blandness, as compared with that of its neighbors in the backyard, but the typical American tourist is usually more convenient ... and it is quite possible not to repeat the experience. After initial curiosity's sake, will return to the Bahamas, cheap holiday and effective. We know, returning to Cuba only native-laden beads. The revolutionary tourists, if Americans are satisfied with once.
But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trip would also serve as washing the Cuban melancholy yearning that volver y repasar los sitios y personajes con que sigue soñando. Un viaje único, a pesar del humillante peaje y el sometimiento a los caprichos aduaneros y migratorios de las autoridades castristas. Y es que existen muchos exiliados que jamás han podido, o querido regresar, y guardan una idea onírica del posible reencuentro, sin saber que todo aquello que idealizan ya no existe. Ese viaje único terminará por hacerles trizas la Cuba ilusoria que guardan. Será grande la desilusión, si se tiene un mínimo de sensibilidad y decencia, y se admite que nuestra patria se parece cada vez más a un inmenso estercolero. Porque no vamos a imaginar que la diáspora cubana se mida por el número de frecuentadores, mulas de carga o caricaturistas paid. We have not yet reached that degree of suspicion. Traveling all then, and the land (the landscape, the heath) would be slight.
If you ask me I'm because Americans can travel freely to Cuba. This new ingredient to temporarily dilute the insipid and Eurotrash Canadian presence on the island, also the subject of the embargo and restrictions would go into the background, and gradually other issues emerge: the militarization of the economy, inefficiency, cuisine ( gastric "?), the feudal prices, lack of gastric culture (gastronomy "?) ... That, to say nothing of basic needs. The basic freedoms. I would not want to undermine the American blandness, as compared with that of its neighbors in the backyard, but the typical American tourist is usually more convenient ... and it is quite possible not to repeat the experience. After initial curiosity's sake, will return to the Bahamas, cheap holiday and effective. We know, returning to Cuba only native-laden beads. The revolutionary tourists, if Americans are satisfied with once.
But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trip would also serve as washing the Cuban melancholy yearning that volver y repasar los sitios y personajes con que sigue soñando. Un viaje único, a pesar del humillante peaje y el sometimiento a los caprichos aduaneros y migratorios de las autoridades castristas. Y es que existen muchos exiliados que jamás han podido, o querido regresar, y guardan una idea onírica del posible reencuentro, sin saber que todo aquello que idealizan ya no existe. Ese viaje único terminará por hacerles trizas la Cuba ilusoria que guardan. Será grande la desilusión, si se tiene un mínimo de sensibilidad y decencia, y se admite que nuestra patria se parece cada vez más a un inmenso estercolero. Porque no vamos a imaginar que la diáspora cubana se mida por el número de frecuentadores, mulas de carga o caricaturistas paid. We have not yet reached that degree of suspicion. Traveling all then, and the land (the landscape, the heath) would be slight.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tropical Exterior Color Palette
reality fini
This time will be remembered for the way in which reality was imposed on the fiction, moving and emptying of the possible speculations, and also because the writers' insistence on ignoring the replacement, due in advance by linking stories: creating patterns, making personae. And how could weave a web of links and disagreements, spending forced breath in a story, if there arise moral or satisfactory completion? When reality invades natural areas for the fable, he can be ruthless, a derivation of other designs which are beyond the wit of men really insurmountable obstacle aseity made itself. Instead of using a station so propitious to the scrutiny of atmospheres, the storytellers and spirits continue to add features, unbelievable dialogue, fragments of doctrinal ... continue the tradition of grabbing hasp for, ever, wake the guard. The rationale is ordinary, at least, the operator works with the possible, and his office set it apart from biographers and historians, figures that conform to physical poverty that despises his guild. However, a storyteller would recognize their own limits, to admit that every character is archetypal, and all frames are One. One might think in an excess of objectivity, which would leave no space now to the desire of the artist, every gap filled by the civil will, every discouragement rewarded with gifts and useful commodity. Those who thought to escape the altarpiece altarpiece understand that extends beyond their horizon, which incorporated portions of reality to his writing, find that they are part of a larger fiction, driven by wireless cunning, blind to the outcome they already coming. Who imagines another page after sated in the original document, it is less true that he who indulges in the facts, always unintelligible. The chaos would be more tolerable if we add, the privilege of living this time, the value of keeping quiet.
This time will be remembered for the way in which reality was imposed on the fiction, moving and emptying of the possible speculations, and also because the writers' insistence on ignoring the replacement, due in advance by linking stories: creating patterns, making personae. And how could weave a web of links and disagreements, spending forced breath in a story, if there arise moral or satisfactory completion? When reality invades natural areas for the fable, he can be ruthless, a derivation of other designs which are beyond the wit of men really insurmountable obstacle aseity made itself. Instead of using a station so propitious to the scrutiny of atmospheres, the storytellers and spirits continue to add features, unbelievable dialogue, fragments of doctrinal ... continue the tradition of grabbing hasp for, ever, wake the guard. The rationale is ordinary, at least, the operator works with the possible, and his office set it apart from biographers and historians, figures that conform to physical poverty that despises his guild. However, a storyteller would recognize their own limits, to admit that every character is archetypal, and all frames are One. One might think in an excess of objectivity, which would leave no space now to the desire of the artist, every gap filled by the civil will, every discouragement rewarded with gifts and useful commodity. Those who thought to escape the altarpiece altarpiece understand that extends beyond their horizon, which incorporated portions of reality to his writing, find that they are part of a larger fiction, driven by wireless cunning, blind to the outcome they already coming. Who imagines another page after sated in the original document, it is less true that he who indulges in the facts, always unintelligible. The chaos would be more tolerable if we add, the privilege of living this time, the value of keeping quiet.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Annabel Chong Grace Quek
Skins for Winamp - Kuroshitsuji
Since they are my creation, not knowing whether to put this in the main blog or here in the downloads, but they are Download! ... But also my creation and put them in my creations The Passion Ignored x3 Still, I will here, to give more life to this "section."
While listening to music on the PC, I realized that I had Winamp skins were very boring. Some of HYDE, Gackt and other Kuroshitsuji (you know who are my three obsessions and there is nothing to do about it xD).
It scared me so much! I know it sounds exaggerated, but I was listening to the OST of Kuroshitsuji and see Gackt Winamp background was not ... How say? Consistent. I will not say that Gackt estça not up to standard, but is an extremely different esetilo (forgetting the time Malice Mizer, that if it was quite Kuroshitsujiana xD).
I got down to work then investigating how to create these skins oysters and voila! this is what I got:
ended up doing 24 different skins of Kuroshitsuji Kuroshitsuji and II. Divided them into 3. Rar with 8 each (yes, because if you learned, small tables @ s, if you multiply 3 x 8 gives you 24 xDDD).
Here the preview of each pack (click on each image to see bigger):
Since they are my creation, not knowing whether to put this in the main blog or here in the downloads, but they are Download! ... But also my creation and put them in my creations The Passion Ignored x3 Still, I will here, to give more life to this "section."
While listening to music on the PC, I realized that I had Winamp skins were very boring. Some of HYDE, Gackt and other Kuroshitsuji (you know who are my three obsessions and there is nothing to do about it xD).
Kuroshitsuji ONE!
I got down to work then investigating how to create these skins oysters and voila! this is what I got:
![]() |
In fact, the same image, the other skin distitos I did not like! and deleted it xD |
ended up doing 24 different skins of Kuroshitsuji Kuroshitsuji and II. Divided them into 3. Rar with 8 each (yes, because if you learned, small tables @ s, if you multiply 3 x 8 gives you 24 xDDD).
Here the preview of each pack (click on each image to see bigger):
And here I stop the download links:
is permitted to copy pictures and repost, but please do not ignore the fact I created them, which is nice to know that I stuck making dawn to be ineffective without the proper credit.
is now just unzip them in the following location:
and already then, when you open winamp and click to see the skins appear ... go! xD
Got an image, whether of Kuroshitsuji, Gackt, HYDE or whatever you want, including your picture (xD?), you can send them to the mail and I make the skin without delay : 3 ~
"Important? I'm working on skins VAMPS, HYDE and Gackt also soon bring n_n * o *
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Non Profit Community Service Letters
A final version? Manuel Sosa
Robert Frost
Something there that does not love a wall, prompting
to swelling of the frozen ground to pierce,
and knocks him stones from the edges when the sun rises;
cracks and opens up two men could cross.
What cause hunters is different
I have been following and I restored the damage
where they have not left one stone upon another,
anyway because they had to pull the rabbit
of hiding by the excited pack please.
speak of the cracks, no one could say he has seen
how and when they do, but to prepare to make repairs
spring give them.
This I did find a neighbor who lives behind the hill
and the day we agreed to mark the limit
and will restore the wall to divide us again.
walked along the wall, every one by his side. Each
who touch the stones that were demolished on your part.
And some fit, but others are
round we have to use some magic to keep falling:
"Quéndese still, at least until we turn around!"
Fingers put us both rough clearing them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor sport,
one at each end. And it becomes more: there
a precise point where the wall is not necessary: \u200b\u200b
he is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My manzaneros never cross to ream
under their pine cones, so I say.
But merely responded: "Good fences make good neighbors."
Spring is rushing to my head and wonder
if it could change your mind:
"Why is it that makes us as good neighbors? Is not it
that has to do with cattle? And here and we won.
Before I would build a wall know what to leave out
and Tiwanaku,
and who may offend by doing so.
Something exists that does not love a wall, that wants
overthrow. " Could say "Elves"
but it is not just for goblins, and I
the neighbor came to speak for itself.
I see it there, carrying stones in each hand, or gripping,
like a prehistoric wild ready to strike.
moves in what seems to me dark
and not forests or shade of trees.
never betray that saying that his father taught him,
and both liked
remember it again: "Good fences make good neighbors."
(Translation: Manuel Sosa )
Something There Is That Does not love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And Makes
gaps dog events pass two abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
"Stay where you are until our backs are turned!"
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple-orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, "Good fences make good neighbors."
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
"Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down!" I could say "Elves" to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there,
Bringing Firmly a stone graspers by the top
In Each hand, like an old-stone savage Armed.
I moves in darkness as it Seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
I Will Not Go behind His father's Saying,
HAVING And I likes it so well Thought of
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."
Robert Frost
Something there that does not love a wall, prompting
to swelling of the frozen ground to pierce,
and knocks him stones from the edges when the sun rises;
cracks and opens up two men could cross.
What cause hunters is different
I have been following and I restored the damage
where they have not left one stone upon another,
anyway because they had to pull the rabbit
of hiding by the excited pack please.
speak of the cracks, no one could say he has seen
how and when they do, but to prepare to make repairs
spring give them.
This I did find a neighbor who lives behind the hill
and the day we agreed to mark the limit
and will restore the wall to divide us again.
walked along the wall, every one by his side. Each
who touch the stones that were demolished on your part.
And some fit, but others are
round we have to use some magic to keep falling:
"Quéndese still, at least until we turn around!"
Fingers put us both rough clearing them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor sport,
one at each end. And it becomes more: there
a precise point where the wall is not necessary: \u200b\u200b
he is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My manzaneros never cross to ream
under their pine cones, so I say.
But merely responded: "Good fences make good neighbors."
Spring is rushing to my head and wonder
if it could change your mind:
"Why is it that makes us as good neighbors? Is not it
that has to do with cattle? And here and we won.
Before I would build a wall know what to leave out
and Tiwanaku,
and who may offend by doing so.
Something exists that does not love a wall, that wants
overthrow. " Could say "Elves"
but it is not just for goblins, and I
the neighbor came to speak for itself.
I see it there, carrying stones in each hand, or gripping,
like a prehistoric wild ready to strike.
moves in what seems to me dark
and not forests or shade of trees.
never betray that saying that his father taught him,
and both liked
remember it again: "Good fences make good neighbors."
(Translation: Manuel Sosa )
Something There Is That Does not love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And Makes
gaps dog events pass two abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
"Stay where you are until our backs are turned!"
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple-orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, "Good fences make good neighbors."
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
"Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down!" I could say "Elves" to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there,
Bringing Firmly a stone graspers by the top
In Each hand, like an old-stone savage Armed.
I moves in darkness as it Seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
I Will Not Go behind His father's Saying,
HAVING And I likes it so well Thought of
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."
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And after reviewing the few remaining headstones,
Manuel Sosa, are you going to insist on pushing the door of the ossuary
and sift the dust of men and polls, as many tangible influx,
only find snippets of a life
despised and now fills your waking, languid
examiner haunted by pictures ridiculous, eager and trembling?
Were not you the one who designed scenes, and acting naturally,
pretending to have received the gift of description,
tempting putting words into the mouths of minor characters who finished praising
your design?
I've seen tonight, clinging to the notebook
once promised to destroy, overlooking the wicket
of the messengers, a prisoner of that fact that after striper
eventually relented and deleted.
I've seen returning in the shadow of the audience,
old and up, avoiding the other guests of the pension
to imagine yourself when risky
lucidity itself exercises designed to counter
power, and perhaps save you.
What are you going to propose some skill beyond discursive
it betrays your presence among both appropriate script,
if your coordinates are deleted strength enjoy yourself at the fabulario
of the soil in elementary books
triumphal rhetoric?
Where descend, taking the candle which won
your ironies, step by step, touching the wall, listening to the sound of water
against the abyss? Where invited us, looking
lose and lose?
And that I would not desecrate the
labels as well saved by your disciples would not deny and rewrite the few trains
you knew accommodate the expressiveness of your tongue ... I do not want to ridicule
Manuel Sosa, and take advantage of his insanity
temporary ... because not understand the obsession, or the broken mirror ...
album and miserable worshiper ...
When you think no one sees you, and you give
supplications to the indifference of those women whose names changed, the laughable fact
literary gesture : Marian, Rebecca, Rowena ...
humiliate you because you sense that all fiction
candor replacing miserable ends of reality, yet unrecognizable
, hunger as a symbol, another mask
functional ... How many images you'll want to treasure before you close the gate?
What do you want to dust off and resurrect? What do
memorizing names that serve little purpose to postpone the verdict?
Is it that you can never overcome the moment when the reality
surrendered at your feet, and gave you thanks now overdue
why get rid in prayers and lamentations?
What are you doing, Manuel Sosa, haunting the cemetery,
will not even be yours?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
13 Year Old Guys In Thong
Against Other metaphors
Add to the metaphor of the forbidden fruit metaphor fingerling idling a minute before in his pond, and now enters the pouch at the hands of a reflection incorporator. The reaction of a bookstore to read about Anaxagoras, or the sense that claimed the insanity of the poor fool who thought he was God and complained to him familiarly visitor. Or maybe the treatment was Malherbe Louis XVI, with venerable words, and prohibited by the Convention, and more the words that justified his veneration for the real defendant. While such idolatry become a mere contempt for life itself, or a fan who insulted the fallen greatness, a constable has rejected a challenge and pruning the vines in the garden. While Bonaparte fight battles, knowing that it has been a Turenne, Mr. Arnault writes tragedies have been knowing that Corneille and Racine, and in Madrid the wife of a bricklayer who fell from a scaffold receives only fifteen young hard of Valle-Inclán. Be as animated inanimate, or its many possibilities, the Viennese suicide falls into the trap of the Indian hunter and find a tablet with the inscription: Chove nas Veigas without oia: folerpiña to folerpiña , and wakes up one morning Pedro Llanes Warden to the astonishment of Alexander Pope ...
Add to the metaphor of the forbidden fruit metaphor fingerling idling a minute before in his pond, and now enters the pouch at the hands of a reflection incorporator. The reaction of a bookstore to read about Anaxagoras, or the sense that claimed the insanity of the poor fool who thought he was God and complained to him familiarly visitor. Or maybe the treatment was Malherbe Louis XVI, with venerable words, and prohibited by the Convention, and more the words that justified his veneration for the real defendant. While such idolatry become a mere contempt for life itself, or a fan who insulted the fallen greatness, a constable has rejected a challenge and pruning the vines in the garden. While Bonaparte fight battles, knowing that it has been a Turenne, Mr. Arnault writes tragedies have been knowing that Corneille and Racine, and in Madrid the wife of a bricklayer who fell from a scaffold receives only fifteen young hard of Valle-Inclán. Be as animated inanimate, or its many possibilities, the Viennese suicide falls into the trap of the Indian hunter and find a tablet with the inscription: Chove nas Veigas without oia: folerpiña to folerpiña , and wakes up one morning Pedro Llanes Warden to the astonishment of Alexander Pope ...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sample Of Tv Programme Proposal
A other as they read, this post is dedicated to VAMPS. And no, I will not get to mourn as to some main blog entry because I have no ticket for the concert this November 6 at the Theatre Caupolicán, Santiago de Chile, or anything like that because I got it! = D ... well, not so well as to have, have, but I paid and just need to send it to me n_n
Turning to update that brings me here, and taking that this is a download blog, I come:
takes weeks (if not months oo) listening to this group, as I explained in that my post whining, vocalist of Laruku is the same (or L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, to make it more clear n_n), but alone, is presenting a very different bearing to that wonderful group (as well as he has every one of its members).
two years ago because band VAMPS was initiated, with the official KAZ (Oblivion Dust) and HYDE (L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel). To date they have released two albums, one in 2009, the namesake VAMPS and recently hit the market the BEAST.
During these years have seen the light four singles for the album VAMPS (June 10, 2009), and two Maxi Singles, for the album BEAST (July 7, 2010)
leave the download links (in bold) are for Mediafire and have a password, (I do not want to eliminate them, we'll see if I avoid it xD) password? Lapasionignorada
VAMPS Singles (the 4 release date + tracklist):
July 2, 2008 - ; LOVE ADDICT
01 .- Love Addict
02 .- Time Goes By
March 13, 2009 - I GOTTA KICK START NOW
01 .- I Gotta Kick Start Now
02 .- Trouble
May 15, 2009 - EVANESCENT
01 .- Evanescent
02 .- Life on Mars?
September 30, 2009 - SWEET DREAMS
01 .- Sweet Dreams
02 .- Sweet Dreams - acoustic
BEAST Maxi Singles (the 2 release date):
May 12, 2010 - DEVIL SIDE
01 .- Devil Side
02 .- Live Wire
June 9, 2010 - ANGEL TRIP
01 .- Angel Trip
02. - Kyuketsu (VAMPS Satsugai version)
Full Albums:
10, junio de 2009 - VAMPS
01.- Bite
02.- Love Addict
03.- Cosmos
04.- Secret in My Heart
05.- Evanescent
06.- Vampire Depression
07.- Redrum
08.- Deep Red
09.- I Gotta Kick Start Now
10.- Time Goes By
11.- Sweet Dreams
12.- Hunting
13.- Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
07 de julio del 2010 - BEAST
01.- Plug In
02.- Devil Side
03.- Angel Trip
04.- Memories
05.- Euphoria
06.- Vamps Addiction
07.- Revolution
08 .- The Past
09 .- Piano Duet
10 .- Rumble
11 .- Get Up
12 .- Samsara
13 .- My First Last
As for the DVD and PV ... xD I have too but if I get up, I'll do next time, now I have little time (I have to upgrade Bon Voyage, I got stuck on the third issue and I have the following in my head! x3)
A Versh ... compared to singles, I have my preferences. I'll tell you what and I'll explain why:
From single Evanescent:
Life on Mars? \u0026lt;This is a cover of David Bowie ... that in fact, left me freaking out a good time!
leave here the original in vivo:
... and here's the cover of VAMPS Live in USA 2009
A little not ... different? I love both! but I have preference for VAMPS kukukukuku
Now, the Angel Maxi Single Trip, Kyuketsu!
This issue is a "vampire adaptation" of Satsugai, Detroit Metal City Opening
leave the PV of the original:
... and VAMPS version now (*¬*)
They realized? yes? no? instead of saying "Kill" says "Bite" xDDDDDDDD A has caused me much grace! x3
And that was it!
Soon ... naaahhh ... x3 extra leave a gift ... I do not know, may already have it, but just in case! x3
Oricon Style RAR
This is part of the content * ¬ *
and now if ... SAYONARA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = D
Nahra -coat? oO LOL-
PS: I have downloaded these albums for different pages, I'd give credit but do not remember which were in my euphoria after downloading, I lost the info. _. ... But as I have reuploaded, I do not think there is a problem, right? xDU
If you see the links or copy paste the info, please, tell me, took me a while to write all this uwu
A other as they read, this post is dedicated to VAMPS. And no, I will not get to mourn as to some main blog entry because I have no ticket for the concert this November 6 at the Theatre Caupolicán, Santiago de Chile, or anything like that because I got it! = D ... well, not so well as to have, have, but I paid and just need to send it to me n_n
Turning to update that brings me here, and taking that this is a download blog, I come:
takes weeks (if not months oo) listening to this group, as I explained in that my post whining, vocalist of Laruku is the same (or L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, to make it more clear n_n), but alone, is presenting a very different bearing to that wonderful group (as well as he has every one of its members).
two years ago because band VAMPS was initiated, with the official KAZ (Oblivion Dust) and HYDE (L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel). To date they have released two albums, one in 2009, the namesake VAMPS and recently hit the market the BEAST.
During these years have seen the light four singles for the album VAMPS (June 10, 2009), and two Maxi Singles, for the album BEAST (July 7, 2010)
leave the download links (in bold) are for Mediafire and have a password, (I do not want to eliminate them, we'll see if I avoid it xD) password? Lapasionignorada
VAMPS Singles (the 4 release date + tracklist):
July 2, 2008 - ; LOVE ADDICT
01 .- Love Addict
02 .- Time Goes By
March 13, 2009 - I GOTTA KICK START NOW
01 .- I Gotta Kick Start Now
02 .- Trouble
May 15, 2009 - EVANESCENT
01 .- Evanescent
02 .- Life on Mars?
September 30, 2009 - SWEET DREAMS
01 .- Sweet Dreams
02 .- Sweet Dreams - acoustic
BEAST Maxi Singles (the 2 release date):
May 12, 2010 - DEVIL SIDE
01 .- Devil Side
02 .- Live Wire
June 9, 2010 - ANGEL TRIP
01 .- Angel Trip
02. - Kyuketsu (VAMPS Satsugai version)
Full Albums:
10, junio de 2009 - VAMPS
01.- Bite
02.- Love Addict
03.- Cosmos
04.- Secret in My Heart
05.- Evanescent
06.- Vampire Depression
07.- Redrum
08.- Deep Red
09.- I Gotta Kick Start Now
10.- Time Goes By
11.- Sweet Dreams
12.- Hunting
13.- Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
07 de julio del 2010 - BEAST
01.- Plug In
02.- Devil Side
03.- Angel Trip
04.- Memories
05.- Euphoria
06.- Vamps Addiction
07.- Revolution
08 .- The Past
09 .- Piano Duet
10 .- Rumble
11 .- Get Up
12 .- Samsara
13 .- My First Last
= D
As for the DVD and PV ... xD I have too but if I get up, I'll do next time, now I have little time (I have to upgrade Bon Voyage, I got stuck on the third issue and I have the following in my head! x3)
A Versh ... compared to singles, I have my preferences. I'll tell you what and I'll explain why:
From single Evanescent:
Life on Mars? \u0026lt;This is a cover of David Bowie ... that in fact, left me freaking out a good time!
leave here the original in vivo:
... and here's the cover of VAMPS Live in USA 2009
A little not ... different? I love both! but I have preference for VAMPS kukukukuku
Now, the Angel Maxi Single Trip, Kyuketsu!
This issue is a "vampire adaptation" of Satsugai, Detroit Metal City Opening
leave the PV of the original:
... and VAMPS version now (*¬*)
They realized? yes? no? instead of saying "Kill" says "Bite" xDDDDDDDD A has caused me much grace! x3
And that was it!
Soon ... naaahhh ... x3 extra leave a gift ... I do not know, may already have it, but just in case! x3
Oricon Style RAR
This is part of the content * ¬ *
and now if ... SAYONARA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = D
Nahra -coat? oO LOL-
PS: I have downloaded these albums for different pages, I'd give credit but do not remember which were in my euphoria after downloading, I lost the info. _. ... But as I have reuploaded, I do not think there is a problem, right? xDU
If you see the links or copy paste the info, please, tell me, took me a while to write all this uwu
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