always knew: among all possible doors, was that of Felix Pestana. When few were opened, his gravitated around the possibility and openness. In an area of \u200b\u200briddles and double meanings, that openness served as sustenance to whom we were asking questions, seeking symbols and to face our own vanity. More than the rigor of a discipline and learning, Pestana taught us the difficult art of clear and easy ways to take seriously. Yet, when we refuse artificial tone of certain commitments, we do with your voice. How could keep that sharpness and simplicity without being crushed by the conventions, without the dynamics of fervor we hurt and we discard? We did not have to go far, because there was that door. The man has within himself all the verdicts, and sometimes requires a handle to catch his breath and reconsider the questions asked. No virtuoso performance supplements, if they lack self-knowledge and the key is needed to magnify. Felix Pestana had many keys to enlightenment, and he had only hinted at in a picture, in a capricious decision of twilight, in a conversation. Maybe even a sudden departure, when we said goodbye at the curb and thought it was the last time. I do not have to ask, but I know that at this time walking with their hands smeared, reviewing those walls that knows his own, blinded by the light, checking the veracity of a landscape that will no longer go out anymore.
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