If you ask me I'm because Americans can travel freely to Cuba. This new ingredient to temporarily dilute the insipid and Eurotrash Canadian presence on the island, also the subject of the embargo and restrictions would go into the background, and gradually other issues emerge: the militarization of the economy, inefficiency, cuisine ( gastric "?), the feudal prices, lack of gastric culture (gastronomy "?) ... That, to say nothing of basic needs. The basic freedoms. I would not want to undermine the American blandness, as compared with that of its neighbors in the backyard, but the typical American tourist is usually more convenient ... and it is quite possible not to repeat the experience. After initial curiosity's sake, will return to the Bahamas, cheap holiday and effective. We know, returning to Cuba only native-laden beads. The revolutionary tourists, if Americans are satisfied with once.
But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trip would also serve as washing the Cuban melancholy yearning that volver y repasar los sitios y personajes con que sigue soñando. Un viaje único, a pesar del humillante peaje y el sometimiento a los caprichos aduaneros y migratorios de las autoridades castristas. Y es que existen muchos exiliados que jamás han podido, o querido regresar, y guardan una idea onírica del posible reencuentro, sin saber que todo aquello que idealizan ya no existe. Ese viaje único terminará por hacerles trizas la Cuba ilusoria que guardan. Será grande la desilusión, si se tiene un mínimo de sensibilidad y decencia, y se admite que nuestra patria se parece cada vez más a un inmenso estercolero. Porque no vamos a imaginar que la diáspora cubana se mida por el número de frecuentadores, mulas de carga o caricaturistas paid. We have not yet reached that degree of suspicion. Traveling all then, and the land (the landscape, the heath) would be slight.
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