Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anti Adipose Tea Reviews

Socialist Realism rotating turbine

From reading I did of The initial land retains two reminiscences: the innate art to tell of Jesus Diaz, and the hatred of its protagonist even inspired me. Because that figure was too familiar to me as the typical portrait of the generation that preceded us: our teachers and neighbors integrated into the process, maybe our own parents, always torn between spontaneity and commitment. Belong to the Party, for example, involved a compliance of rules limiting any individual flash for many privileges endorse the militant. At that time, have a red card prevented them from men and women strictly personal decision, if we speak of loyalty conjugal, fraternal relations, correspondence with family, sexual preferences, religious beliefs. And the physical appearance, especially! Jesus Diaz's character worked as an archetype of that individual collated by the more rigid order and rhetoric that could be conceived.

Interestingly, this order was idealized in the literature by writers suspected of heresy, or the middle of ostracism. Some few novels and stories were in charge of moving the body of the workman sticking his reply Slavic Antilles, to believe it alive and full of contradictions. But the prose was poetry which detailed their exploits and quarrels with the best scents, and no one had to wonder return to the line of hammers and drills, the cattle and crops. The martyrs fell from their frames and sat on the rustic table, to enjoy the bracing gofio am and canned varieties Bulgarkonserv the afternoon. Interestingly, three decades after its emergence, the few writers whose form and behavior they have earned the trust party still awaiting retrospective look. And you have not been reissued by the nostalgia industry that do not stop to relieve the work of those who were not too late in their lives, the official pardon. With what delight those names are pronounced today, Zhdanov, Pavón, Serguera, which mitigates the guilt of their invisible masters, who say they've been so looking for another party!

That literature, which is thought to be eradicated to canned and oil first moved to the cities, clinging to survival instinct, then migrate and explore the world market, knowing that a doomsday scenario was ideal to meet traditional western curiosity. And is that socialist realism, always accepted by the mass of readers, thrives in the eloquence that lead to circumstances, because it seems effortless recount, copying the environment, showing the proximity and simplicity of the daily dilemmas, making the user see his heroes are around and breathe the same air.

When the existential drama of an individual could not be its dependence on the collective (the guild, the community), and their weaknesses and challenges knew remedied, the writer did not suit him to venture into adjacent planes that would prevent the return. His characters not pass through labyrinths, or lost in the unconscious depths, were content with the space of logic and reason were assigned. But once limited immediate needs subsidies to be removed, the characters became less docile and ended up joining the uncertainty of the new atmosphere. The writer did not find it difficult to pursue the same speech, only had to imagine his hero, accustomed to a warm shower and twilight, would have to learn to live with the turbine rotates, permanently. And that learning would make him extremely aggressive, would change the vocabulary and open up "The Doors of Perception." In short, there would have to change the style, but the landscape.

What happened to socialist realism, now that everything becomes unpredictable? If you pay attention, you can find the same basic rhetoric, the endless paradigms to support and gentle questions that makes the middle. Its stylistic and conceptual poverty has managed to find the perfect mask, an adjective replicas does not support "dirty." So what changed into a dirty socialist continues to reflect, to name irrelevant, the same scene and the same characters from Paris, Havana and Miami. And they say that a broken turbine no benefits!


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