Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why Do People Put Boogers On Walls

A closed door that we forget

At first I did not know what to do with such immediacy. Exile, exile, whatever. Diaspora, they said, but at the same time birth. We had the world on a computer. Long distance: redundancy. We waited for those voices that we missed, and also we had never heard. Some digits, a nervous pulse, and the miracle happened. Not to mention the directory that grew in our niche virtual sumábamos desirable addresses and names, including adversaries, allies who had not renewed their covenants, future enemies. It was amazing how quickly the records. They were going all! And every time growing more the notion of a parallel country (the country as possible) to replace our failure mortality. The finger hesitated, but curiosity always won. Sometimes answering a schoolmaster, sometimes the disciples. Phone, email, emissions, radiation. We described the piece of country that we invented to survive, and the matches were quite laughable, in the best sense of the word. The most surprising thing was, again, the immediacy. Before, when we country, was to work together and forge alliances aesthetic. Aesthetic alliance had to be a conspiracy. But now we (the if necessary) to collect signatures and acquire from any corner. However, after we have become accustomed to the idea, invent excuses not to update the directories, indolence appears every morning in the mirror, and return to original exile: the monologue. The idea of \u200b\u200bproximity is asleep in our consciousness. We can say, "tomorrow," without remorse. Communication has become another duty, which we meet once a year: diplomacy, cunning.

Before leaving we felt the bag, open it and review it with suspicion. Always remains something: on the table, on the bed. Or, a door without the lock run. When we walk by other cities a start with us inexplicable, it makes us examine luggage and retrace our steps. If you will be exile or banishment, or time travel, something is missing. A few months ago we meet some friends. I hid my joy as I could. The rescue craft terms. "Meeting", for example. A city so vilified, (defending is in bad taste, I say) and that serves as a confluence ... Another contradiction verifiable rhetoric? We had arranged to speak and to evoke, and I concealing my delight, because it found that "meet" was to defeat the fate that before we became interchangeable parts. The board ordered a tyranny. We should be giving testimony in another place, each polishing his monologue, and it was not. That night we laughed from the curse. That date was circumstantial, marked by brevity ... Maybe we pass over the essential things, but I swear that for a couple of hours and gave tyranny was less oppressive. Knowing is not enough time, I left several questions for another time, who knows when. "It's not healthy to exhaust the agenda of the encounter," I dictated the voice of the trial. Following the ritual, we neglect the luggage, we forgot to secure the windows. No matter where we are, we are obliged to leave things pending, as a pretext for unpack, but we are certain that nothing is missing. For a lot of calmness that we hold, we will awaken with a start, thinking he heard the beating of a door, late at night, we forgot to close a door.

(For Felix Luis Viera)


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